Wednesday, March 5, 2014

On March 3, 2014, Laura Bassett of The Huffington Post wrote an article: Hobby Lobby Win at Supreme Court Could Lead to More Anti-Gay Laws. The article explains how abortion rights activists are comparing the just vetoed Arizona anti-gay laws to the Hobby Lobby case that will be heard before the Supreme Court soon. And, IF the Supreme Court rules in Hobby Lobby's favor the ruling could lead to more gay discrimination laws.
Hobby Lobby is stating that they do not want to be a part of offering birth-control coverage to its employees that is mandated by the new Affordable Health Care Act. Hobby Lobby is using their right to religious liberty in order to get around this law and not offer birth-control coverage to its employees and their dependents.
Abortion activists are stating that what Hobby Lobby is doing is no different than what business owners in Arizona were trying to do: assert their religious liberty by turning away; not providing services to the gay and lesbian community simply based on their religious beliefs. Of course, Rep. Governor Brewer vetoed the Arizona bill a few days ago because of much backlash from the media, constituents, democrats and even her fellow republicans.
From my viewpoint, the comparisons are valid and the article is right on target. The fact that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (“LGBT”) community and Planned Parenthood came together to issue a statement to the media and declared that by letting Arizona businesses try and use the religious liberty “card” to deter the LGBT community from patronizing their businesses is the same thing as a for-profit corporation like Hobby Lobby playing the religious liberty card to get around a government mandate and violate the rights of women by denying them affordable preventative health care. Basically, abortion activist want the public to know that Hobby Lobby would represent the Arizona businesses and the women who are employees and dependents covered under the Hobby Lobby insurance policy represent the LGBT community that are being discriminated against.

In addition, I also agree with the article that this type of imbalance and inequality, will only make this nation suffer more of the injustice that so many people face today simply because of the color of our skin, our gender and even who we choose to love. Hobby Lobby as a corporation has no right to religious liberties as the Arizona businesses did not either. Hobby Lobby is a for-profit company that should abide by the government mandated Affordable Care Act and not discriminate against women the way Arizona tried to discriminate.

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